Writing, it's good for the soul....well, it's good for MY soul. I never in a million years thought that I would actually publicly share my writings, even though I know that it is something that I am good at. With my dad's passing I have gained a new respect for living my life, truly, whole-heartedly living my life. Plain and simple, I want to stop wasting my time on things that do not fill my cup, and start doing the things that I have always wanted to do without caring what others think. This sounds so easy but in reality I struggle with it daily, that's why it has taken me 5 months to work up the courage to fiiiinally hit that blue little publish button with, excuse my french, no shits to give.
My vision is to share myself, and our family's, joys, struggles, lessons, and let's not forget the many adventures along the way. I am just a girl figuring out life as a mother, wife, sister, daughter, nurse, Beautycounter ambassador, and friend, just like everyone else. I know I count on so many people, who likely do not even know, to help navigate my roles in life. My hope is that by sharing my writings I can return the favor. Your only job, just keep reading...(If you said that in a Dory voice, I love you!)
